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Saturday, September 15, 2012

"Angel's in Training" Encampment

July 27th 2012

Gathering to Go....

 The fun's already starting!!!

 We arrived at Terri's Cabin 
and set out to be one with nature.

Oh a hiking we will go....a hiking we will go....

 It was so beautiful!!

Gaby flashes a pose....

Rock on Natisha!!

Heidi and Becky try out some four wheelin fun!

Yep.....stocked for 24 hours of yum!

Let the food start rolling out.

We had Angel Hair Pasta for Dinner...

Angel Food Cake for Desert.....

And "Angel" crepes for Breakfast!

Looks like there was a little more than 
"Angel" food consumed!

Are you Abe Lincoln????

The name game was a hoot!

Our stow-away, future Relief Society, 
"Angel in Training" watches on in awe!!

Sharon and her cute Campbell

The aptly named "Pearce-the-Moose"
Haha - After falling on Bishop Salmon 
his new name is well deserved!

We were ever so grateful for a working toliet,
and WORK it did!!
"Gotta Lotta Use" for sure!

In our Devotional.....
We learned about the good we can each do being an "Angel" by even tiny acts of kindness.
We don't need to do anything big or grand to be an
angel in someone's life.  When you think about the times that you've had an angel in your own life, it was probably something very small.  Small acts of kindness go a long way to make someone's life better.

"I have seen and met ANGELS wearing the disguise of ordinary people living ordinary lives."

Mother Teresa said, 

"I never look at the masses as my responsibility.  I look only at the individual.  I can love only one person at a time.  I can feed only one person at a time.  Just one, one, one.  I picked up one person - maybe if I didn't pick up that one person, I wouldn't have picked up the others.  the whole work is only a drop in the ocean. But if we don't put the drop in, the ocean would be one drop less.  Same thing for you.  Same thing in your family.  Same thing in the church where you go.  Just begin... one, one, one".

"Every act of love is a work of peace no matter how small.  It's not what we do, but how much love we put into it".

All the attending "Angels"
From the top left down:
Tina, Linda, Carolyn, Danielle, Jeanne, Terry, Katie, Mary Jane, Sue, Michelle
Leila, Natisha, Linda W, Heidi S, Kerri, Heidi W, Nancy
Inger, Heidi H, Sharon, Becky, Britanni, Gabby, Linda H, Cayla, Andrea

It was way tooo much fun!!!

Group Hugs Goodby

Thank you to...
Our Awesome Presidency
Nancy, Leila, Katie and Terry 
for putting together a 
Wonderful Time 
Learning, Laughing and Growing Together.

Mom's were missed!! Ahhhh
It's good to go.....and good to be home.

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