We are beloved spirit daughters of God, and our lives have meaning, purpose and direction. As a worldwide sisterhood, we are united in our devotion to Jesus Christ through prayer and scripture study. Seek spiritual strength by following the promptings of the Holy Ghost.
Dedicate ourselves to strengthening marriages, families and homes. Find nobility in motherhood and joy in womanhood. Delight in service and good works. Love life and learning. Stand for truth and righteousness. Sustain the priesthood as the authority of God on earth. Rejoice in the blessings of the temple, understand our divine destiny, and strive for exaltation.
When our Priesthood leaders speak to us, we need to be prepared to listen to their messages. We are all volunteer servants of the Lord, and must learn to work together. If our leaders say something we question, we need to ponder and pray about it. If they say some thing that causes the Spirit to stir within us, we need to act on it. May our hearts be open, may our wills be aligned, may we all move into action.