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Monday, March 19, 2012

The Priesthood and Sustaining our Leaders

Lesson by Katie P.

During the priesthood session of general conference on October 2, 1938, President George Albert Smith said:

"I wonder sometimes if as fathers we take pains to explain to our boys the seriousness of the obligation assumed when a boy becomes a deacon. I wonder if when the boy is ordained a deacon the father lets him feel that he has something now that is eternally important. ...

I remember, as if it were yesterday, when John Tingey placed his hands on my head and ordained me a deacon. I had the matter so presented to me and the importance of it, that I felt it was a great honor. The result was, it was a blessing to me, and then after awhile other ordinations came to me,  But in each case the foundation was laid in my mind that here was an opportunity for another blessing."

We had the experience of hearing from many of our sisters whether through comment or testimony about how the priesthood has had an impact on their lives. I am always so thankful when the sisters comment; it adds a spirit of learning and unity to the lessons.  Think of some experiences of how the priesthood has impacted your life.

How can we teach our youth the importance and sacredness of the priesthood? 

Point out how important honoring and using the Priesthood is. Talk about what things it is used for.
Teach by example and by testimony.

How can we support our priesthood holders and help them stay true to their responsibilities?

There at times can be a fine line between "nagging" and showing support, however, we are here on this earth to support and build each other. We can support our wonderful husbands and other priesthood holders by thanking them and providing them with encouragement.

We need to sustain, support and defend our leaders!

President George Albert Smith said, "I stand here to plead with you, my brethren and sisters, not to permit words of criticism or of unkindness to pass your lips about those whom the Lord has called to lead us. Do not be found in the companionship of those who would belittle them or weaken their influence among the children of men. If you do, I can say to you that you will find yourselves in the power of the adversary. You will be influenced by him to go as far as possible from the pathway of truth, and if you do not repent you may find when it is too late that you have lost the "pearl of great price." Because of your selfishness and your blindness you will have been led away, and your loved ones...will be sorrowing on the other side of the veil because of your weakness and your folly. ...

When I think of the burdens that are carried by the President of this Church and his counselors, and realize the responsibilities that are placed upon their shoulders, with all my heart I desire to help them, that I may not be an encumbrance, but that in the position to which I have been called, with you, my brethren and my sisters, we may each take our place and carry our portion of the load and magnify our calling to the honor and glory of God. ...

God grant that we who have been so bountifully blessed may hold up the hands of the servant of the Lord who presides over us; that we may help him not only by our faith and prayers but by loving kindness as opportunity offers; that we may march under the banner that he shall hold aloft as god continues to sustain him as President of the Church, as the prophet of the Lord in these latter days. ...

Let us sustain these men whom God has raised up to preside over us. Let us bless them, not only by our lips, but by assisting in every possible way to carry this burden that rests so heavily upon their shoulders. ... Pray for and bless them and help them."

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