
Monday, June 9, 2014

Chapter 10 - Our Search for Truth

Taught by Heidi H.

President Joseph Fielding Smith talks about how we, as Latter Day Saints, should always seek out learning and growth.  Educational, vocational, and secular knowledge are all important, but the most important knowledge we must obtain in our lives is gospel knowledge. Most importantly knowledge that Jesus is the Christ, and Savior of the world.  In order to obtain that ultimate knowledge we must first search the scriptures. They were written for us in these latter days by prophets of old. President Smith teaches that we need to learn what Gods commandments are because we cannot follow them if we do not know what they are. We do this by studying the scriptures.

Beyond study we must learn the truth of the scriptures through the Holy Ghost. We do this by treasuring up the word, which means you not only read and study, but seek in humility and obedience to do the commandments given, and gain inspiration that only the Holy Ghost can provide.
We also search for truth by following the council of the prophets. In D & C 1:38 it reads, "whether he speak by his own voice or through the voice of his servants, it is the same." We are under a great responsibility and obligation to follow the words of the one who stands at the head to teach us all. There we can find the message of truth.

Once we know the truth and have committed ourselves to learn the truths of the gospel we must put our lives in harmony with that truth. As we do that the Lord will continue to increase what we know and his light will increase inside of us. We will understand more and the spirit of discernment will be our gift. Those who are deceived by man and believe false information lose their light to distinguish between false and true knowledge. We must fight against all of the very accessible false doctrines in the world today and stay close to the spirit so we can keep or knowledge of the truth. 

As we endure into eternity. In D&C 50:24 it reads, "That which is of God is light, and he that receiveth light and continueth in God recieveth more light, and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day."

Our life long search for truth will take us into eternity with our Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ.

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