
Sunday, November 10, 2013

November Calendar

November is such a wonderful month of grounding. 
It is the time we begin to slow down a little, start to get 
out our cozy clothes and nestle in a bit. 
It is filled with glorious sunsets, pleasant days, crisp evenings, 
wonderful soups, warm bread, hot chocolate 
and pumpkin flavored everything! 
It is a month we take time to reflect on all of our blessings and give thanks for all we are grateful for.
Take time each day this month to think of something you are grateful for. Make a list on your fridge, your bathroom mirror or your cute chalkboard. 
Add something to it everyday. 
Share your list with your family on Thanksgiving and ask each of them what they are grateful for.


Womens Region Volley Ball - TBD, 
Contact Tenneal @ 801-864-1619

Wednesdays - PLAY GROUP @ The Church, 10am 
Contact Shannon for more info @ 801-510-7465 

14th - Thursday, Pinterest Group, 9-11am
Kerri H. is in charge this month

16th - Saturday - The Ward Talent Night, 6:30pm

21st - Thursday - Relief Society Service Activity 7pm at the Church

Thursday, Dec 19th - 7pm
For the 
Relief Society White Elephant Christmas Social

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