
Thursday, January 31, 2013

February 2013 Calendar

January  has been an incredible month of winter beauty! We experienced the wonder of nature, unseen here in 30 years, leaving our world cocooned in a magical layer of ice only to be covered the next morning in a silent soft layer of luscious marsh-mellow divinity, tempting enough to dip your finger in for a taste! The beauty was breathtaking!! 

But as life pushes through the beauty, we leave trails of mud and slush, making us long for the breath of spring.........seemingly so far away......awwhhh!  

We could all use a lift about now couldn't we???  

Come to the:

Stake Relief Society Birthday Celebration 
~ Women's Conference ~
"Looking Back, Moving Forward"

February 23rd,  9am at the Stake Center.

You can enjoy the company of all the Sister's and enjoy a wonderful brunch together.
This will be a warm happy spot amidst the cold and cloudy outside!!

Febuary CaleNdar: 

Monday, 11th:   *Empty Nester FHE
                         (Contact Terry S. for location)

Tuesday's:         Book of Mormon Class 7:30 
                        @ Sue G's     

Thursday, 7th:  *Pinterest Group 9-11am
                           Trisha Turner in charge

Thursday, 14th:  Valentines Day  :)

Saturday, 23rd:  Relief Society Birthday Social
                          ~Looking Back, Moving Forward"
                          9am @ The Stake Center

~Enjoy Valentines~ 
Show those you care about how much you love them!

Romans 12:10

10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another

Here is an idea for your Honey or your kids:  Make cinnamon roll hearts and a book of "52 Reasons I Love You" on a deck of red cards. 

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